Full course (Dissection, theory and live surgeries from Tuesday 26th to Friday 29th) is completed. Please contact marta@formedika.com and you will be added to the waiting list 2.350€ Theory and live surgeries (Thursday 28th and Friday 29th) 590€ Video streaming for theory and live surgeries
90€ Full course Neuropsychology on-site workshop (Wednesday 27th) and on-site theory and live surgeries (Thursday 28th and Friday 29th) 990€ *792€ **594€ Full course Neuropsychology on-site workshop (Wednesday 27th) and online theory and live surgeries (Thursday 28th and Friday 29th) 550€ *440€ **330€ *Members of: FANSPE (Federación de Asociaciones de Neuropsicología Estatales), COPC (Col·legi Oficial de Psicologia de Catalunya) and COPAO (Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Psicología de Andalucía Oriental) will get a 20% discount. **Students (from undergraduate to PhD included) will get a 40% discount. REGISTRATIONS FOR THE NEUROSURGERY COURSE HERE REGISTRATIONS FOR THE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY ASSISTANCE WOKSHOP ARE SOLD OUT
The 7th Mapping Course has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®). In case the participant attended the full on-site course, he/she would have two diplomas.
The course will be divided in three sections: Mapping Course Disection/Mapping Course - Neuropsychology/ Mapping Course - Theory and live surgeries.
The Neuropsychological Assistance Workshop has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®). In case the participant attended the full on-site course, he/she would have two diplomas.